ICU Locale “Akan (Ghana)” (ak_GH)

General Information

Property Value
Base locale ID ak_GH
Language ak
Country GH
Display name Akan (Ghana)
Display name with dialect Akan (Ghana)
Character orientation left-to-right
Line orientation top-to-bottom
ISO 639-2/T language code aka
Java Locale ak-GH
Other data sources compare


Property Value
Currency symbol GH₵
Decimal separator .
Digit #
Exponent separator E
Grouping separator ,
International currency symbol GHS
Minus sign -
Monetary decimal separator .
Pad escape *
Pattern Separator ;
Percent %
Per mill
Plus sign +
Significant digit @
Zero digit 0


Property Value(s)
AM/PM Strings AN, EW
Eras AK, KE
Era names Ansa Kristo, Kristo Ekyiri
Months Sanda-Ɔpɛpɔn, Kwakwar-Ɔgyefuo, Ebɔw-Ɔbenem, Ebɔbira-Oforisuo, Esusow Aketseaba-Kɔtɔnimba, Obirade-Ayɛwohomumu, Ayɛwoho-Kitawonsa, Difuu-Ɔsandaa, Fankwa-Ɛbɔ, Ɔbɛsɛ-Ahinime, Ɔberɛfɛw-Obubuo, Mumu-Ɔpɛnimba
Short months S-Ɔ, K-Ɔ, E-Ɔ, E-O, E-K, O-A, A-K, D-Ɔ, F-Ɛ, Ɔ-A, Ɔ-O, M-Ɔ
Short weekdays Kwe, Dwo, Ben, Wuk, Yaw, Fia, Mem
Weekdays Kwesida, Dwowda, Benada, Wukuda, Yawda, Fida, Memeneda
Format Pattern
Date.3 Example: 24/10/22
Pattern: yy/MM/dd
Local Pattern: yy/MM/dd
Date.2 Example: 2024 Ɔ-A 22
Pattern: y MMM d
Local Pattern: y MMM d
Date.1 Example: 2024 Ɔbɛsɛ-Ahinime 22
Pattern: y MMMM d
Local Pattern: y MMMM d
Date.0 Example: Benada, 2024 Ɔbɛsɛ-Ahinime 22
Pattern: EEEE, y MMMM dd
Local Pattern: EEEE, y MMMM dd

Also see the list of time zones.

Related ICU Locales

Parent: Akan (ak)