ICU Locale “Fulah (Cameroon)” (ff_CM)
General Information
Property | Value |
Base locale ID | ff_CM |
Language | ff |
Country | CM |
Display name | Fulah (Cameroon) |
Display name with dialect | Fulah (Cameroon) |
Character orientation | left-to-right |
Line orientation | top-to-bottom |
ISO 639-2/T language code | ful |
Java Locale | (no exact match) |
Other data sources | compare |
Property | Value |
Currency symbol | FCFA |
Decimal separator | , |
Digit | # |
Exponent separator | E |
Grouping separator | |
Infinity | ∞ |
International currency symbol | XAF |
Minus sign | - |
Monetary decimal separator | , |
NaN | NaN |
Pad escape | * |
Pattern Separator | ; |
Percent | % |
Per mill | ‰ |
Plus sign | + |
Significant digit | @ |
Zero digit | 0 |
Property | Value(s) |
AM/PM Strings | subaka, kikiiɗe |
Eras | H-I, C-I |
Era names | Hade Iisa, Caggal Iisa |
Months | siilo, colte, mbooy, seeɗto, duujal, korse, morso, juko, siilto, yarkomaa, jolal, bowte |
Short months | sii, col, mbo, see, duu, kor, mor, juk, slt, yar, jol, bow |
Short weekdays | dew, aaɓ, maw, nje, naa, mwd, hbi |
Weekdays | dewo, aaɓnde, mawbaare, njeslaare, naasaande, mawnde, hoore-biir |
Format | Pattern |
Date.3 | Example: 9/12/2024 Pattern: d/M/y Local Pattern: d/M/y |
Date.2 | Example: 9 bow, 2024 Pattern: d MMM, y Local Pattern: d MMM, y |
Date.1 | Example: 9 bowte 2024 Pattern: d MMMM y Local Pattern: d MMMM y |
Date.0 | Example: aaɓnde 9 bowte 2024 Pattern: EEEE d MMMM y Local Pattern: EEEE d MMMM y |
Also see the list of time zones.
Related ICU Locales
Parent: Fulah (ff)